The Gig Economy in the Philippines
The continuous digital transformation in the Philippines paved the way to the technological advancement of the Filipinos participating in the trending gig economy. The gig economy is a free -market system which operates as a general workforce environment where short-term employment, contractual jobs and independent workers are very much common. The exchange of labor and […]
The BPO Industry in the Philippines
The Philippines is globally known to providing Business Process Outsourcing (“BPO”) services to different business enterprises in the global market. The BPO is one of the fastest growing industry in the country which is also known to providing good-paying jobs to Filipinos. Its continuous exponential growth remains to be the best driving force for economic […]
The Philippines
The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia bounded by the two major trade routes – the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea sharing maritime borders with Taiwan, Japan, Palau, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Its strategic location makes it a natural gateway to the Asian market. It has three main geographical divisions from North to […]